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How to Maintain a Relationship, When you are HSP and Your Partner Isn’t.

Updated: Sep 24

Are you feeling unsatisfied in your relationship? and wondering if you can make it work with someone who isn't a highly sensitive person?

HSPs want more depth in their relationships and this can make your relationship stronger. This article will talk about 6 practical ways that you can use to strengthen your relationship and improve your relationship satisfaction.

to people holding hands

Ask for what you want

 HSPs are empathetic and often put others' needs before their own. You may say things like my partner is stressed or had a challenging week and what I need isn’t as important. Your needs are just as important and just as valid!!

Asking for what you want will help you feel more satisfied while building more depth in your relationship.

Check out Gottman if you would like ideas on how to ask for what you want.

Take time for you

HSPs need time to process information and soothe overwhelm. Give yourself time daily to collect your thoughts and calm your nervous system. Let your partner know that you're taking this time and why. This will help prevent overwhelm from affecting your relationship. It will also help you to be more present when you spend time with your partner.

Take this time to do things that calm you, this can be things like reading, yoga, breathing, or even just sitting in your favorite chair. Create a space that's just yours where you feel calm and relaxed. You can surround yourself with items that you find relaxing such as certain smells, decor, and lighting.

You are both different and that’s ok

Opposites often attract because they balance each other out. You both offer a unique view and perspective on life. Celebrate and respect each other’s differences. Maybe your non-HSP partner loves to go to concerts and social events. For HSPs, these events can become overstimulating and overwhelming. Try to find a balance that works for both of you. Maybe you attend more of the important events with your partner, and your partner goes to other events with friends. Then find activities that you both enjoy together.

Don’t assume your partner knows how you feel

Highly sensitive people often pick up subtleties and are in tune with other’s emotions; because of this, it's often easy to assume your partner can read your mind, which isn’t always the case. last week your partner noticed you were feeling sad, but this week they don’t. Communicate to your partner how you are feeling. This can help you both build an understanding of each other and deepen your connection.

Set up communication

Having healthy communication is important in any relationship. Set up your communication in consideration of your needs as HSP. Think about what could impact you talking to your partner and try to minimize those effects such as awareness of sounds and emotional overwhelm.

Set up your environment for the best possible success in talking with your partner. Be aware of sounds that are around you and pick a quiet time or space to talk. Also, be mindful of where your overwhelm level is before talking and check in with yourself is this the best time, or should I take some space and bring down my overwhelm before talking? Check in with yourself during the conversation and if you start to notice your overwhelm rising take breaks and soothe yourself before going back to the discussion. The key here is to also let your partner know what you are doing and even have a conversation together on how to set up these times for success for both of you.

Be aware of toxic relationships

Getting into toxic relationships can happen to anyone; however, those who are highly sensitive are more likely to be susceptible to these types of relationships. HSPs are hugely empathetic, and toxic people often gravitate towards this.

Setting good boundaries and being in touch with your intuition can help you identify toxic relationships. If you're having challenges in your relationship now is a good time to reassess is this relationship healthy? And if not, what should I do? Check out this blog post for more information on what to do once you've realized your relationship is toxic.

If you’re looking for more support about HSP contact me 

DISCLAIMER The content in this blog and all future blog posts is for educational purposes only and is not a replacement or substitute for mental health or medical care.

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